In 2010, obtaining a FICO score required someone to either apply for a new trade line or purchase from FICO directly. Times have changed and now most credit cards offer some variation of a FICO score. Today, I will outline the best credit card FICO score website for the the most discriminating consumer.
As of 2020, many credit cards are offering FICO 9 but most lenders are still using FICO 8 or below. It is important to keep in mind the scores offered by credit cards are usually NOT mortgage or auto scores. The difference is minor when moving between FICO 8 and FICO 9, but the difference between a FICO 9 and an auto-enhanced FICO score may be stark.
Finally, many credit cards do not offer a FICO score, but a Vantage score instead. This is important to note as Vantage scores are swing wildly compared to their FICO counterpart.
The Best Credit Card FICO Score Website Interface:
Discover: Discover not only has some of the best limits around, but they also offer your Transunion FICO 9 score. What sets Discover apart is the information interface which is graphical and pleasant to look at. Discover offers my favorite interface.

The Best Credit Card Score Interface – Non FICO:
Chase: Chase offers by far the best interface for credit card scoring, including providing a credit report. The major issue with Chase Credit Journey is it uses a Vantage score, which will generally not reflect a lender score.

Ugly But Effective Experian FICO Score:
Wells Fargo: Are you looking for your FICO 9 Experian score and not much else? The Wells Fargo credit score option provides Experian, which is rare. The Wells Fargo interface leaves much to be desired. however, and will not provide much useful information.

Most credit cards now offer some variation of credit scoring as a benefit. Understanding which offer FICO and which do not is a huge part of this experience.
Partner a Credit Card Score with Credit Karma:
One of my favorite recommendations is to partner the Discover FICO 9 score interface with the Credit Karma reporting functionality. Credit Karma offers a FAKO score but has a lot of great information. Paring this with the official FICO score from Discover is an excellent way to keep tabs on your credit, all for free!
This article was last updated on December 15, 2020