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Using Mint in Credit Repair for Better Results

One of the hardest parts of credit repair and credit rebuilding is having complete information at your finger tips. Using Mint in Credit Repair will help you stay on target and focused.

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AZEO Method

Mint in Credit Repair?

This may not seem intuitive to the average credit rebuilder, but here we are all about process. The process of credit repair requires diligence and information. What better way to keep all of your finances in order while you rebuild than using Mint? Mint is an Intuit product, created in 2006 as a way for consumers to track their spending and finances online. It has gone through many integrations since the first launch and the current product is free and impressive! Mint can provide your with clear data quickly all through a phone app, and you will not risk missing a payment. As discussed on this website (and frankly, every other credit website), the number one factor that impacts a credit score is payment history.

Mint Will Help You Stay Focused

One of the reasons I chose Mint when I personally went through a credit repair was simple; my biggest failing was accountability. The entire premise of Mint is to allow consumers to have easier accountability. Sure, they will provide you with basic credit repair guidance and even a non-FICO credit score, but really, it is all about seeing your payments and debt on one screen. And boy howdy, does Mint make this easy! Adding accounts could not be more simple. In addition, Mint works with nearly all banks and their security apparatus.

Mint Will Streamline Your Workflow

This is the more important part. Mint will allow you to streamline your workflow and keep things moving. When credit rebuilding, you ultimately want all your focus on the that, rather than keeping track of 90 account and passwords. Plus, have I mentioned it will keep you on track for payments? Using Mint in credit repair will keep you on track.

This article was last updated on May 10, 2022